
van_goghO, those ways of drawing
curious and inquisitive
thoughts from deep
within my hopeful mind;
I cower in the forward
and steep in the grace
of the backward.
Where is now and how
do I anchor this
vessel on present moorings
to really see life in
three phases:
with tomorrow
hovering and yesterday’s
covering and today
marking step in steady
pace for true solace.



signori -2

Loriann Signor

Upon the face of newer times
the elaborate losing sway
settled in to ocher tones
diminishing  harshness fray.

The failing of ancient thoughts
Quiet days taking hold
The journey paused in fog-shroud paths
just happily growing old.

Now is Autumn in solemn gaze
no slowness in despair
to let the Lord above me now
ponder my affair
