

Church at Varengeville, against the Sunset – Claude Monet

no longer a memory,
but an ethereal gesture
or a heavenly breeze
and a wisp of a surreal exhale –
old and new,
beginning and ending –
permanently a part
of all things 
made new
from the blemished
and the famished
to lucidly pure
crystalline stone
through which
to see the face of
our Lord.

(c) 2014 rick stassi

sand and sea



a multitude of grains of sand,
the willing swath between sea and land.
slowly, deliberately, refined o’er the years,
knowing land’s attempt to allay fears.

and within the million grains of sand
there are souls receiving a loving hand.
having seen tumultuous, tempting charm
now waves gently lapping upon, resting from harm

so God instills a brightened heart
in grains of sand gracefully set apart
to stand in the gap between land and sea
and reflect true hope, land’s desperate plea.

(c) rick 2014