moments like these


Mary Cassatt

dream softly.
feel air brush
across somber
downcast eyes.
see more
than the
night desires.
alone, pass from
sorrow to joy
within an
love purposed
for moments
like these.

(c) rick stassi

His sight

Hugh Cameron

“Buttercups and Daisies” Cameron 1881

Seek the sight of
HE whose eyes
penetrate our sorrow.
Finding those times
of self-disdain
permeated from deep inside-
painting the ugliness
we see in the glass.
For thus is an
ill-gotten plan
to destroy and draw
us way from the hope
that His sight
will show us,
through a prism
of divine light
passing through
a tear on our cheek,
a beautifully made
child with hope
and love for
all time.

HE is Risen

(c) 2020 Rick Stassi


Garden of Flowers Vincent van Gogh

Out of our self
and into the
soft field of
colors and scents
enveloping our sense
and broadcasting within
that we live for others
because of One.
(C) 2020 Rick Stassi

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NIV