The Eternal Moment

Incline your ear, and come to Me.

Hear, and your soul shall live;

And I will make an everlasting covenant with you—

Isaiah 55:3 (New King James Version)

Like the sun that rises and falls, there is finiteness to my day. I too rise and fall from slumber to slumber, moonlit darkness to moonlit darkness. All is in my temporal life: A day, a step, a moment. How shall I spend this moment?

I awake to a new day and God beckons me to His feet. Scurry I must lest the churning gears of my invention will drive me to a halt: A coughing and choking stop. I roll from bed to my knees and I ask God. I ask Him to give me strength. I ask Him to help me to step on His path laid perfectly before me now. It is the path I did not see at first glance at my dawn. I was already too busy thinking three days ahead and already losing grasp of the current moment.

Jesus did not think of three days ahead as He labored toward Calvary. He knew, of course, of His eventual rise; but, He knew also His day of sacrifice. I wake up and know this day is a gift because of that sacrifice and although I indeed submitted my life to the Lord, I do not endure what Jesus has endured for me. I incline my ear to the Lord and He reminds me grace is my foundation. The foundation holds each foot captive – steady and sure.

Yes I incline my ear because I want to hear with clarity, God speaks loud and He speaks sometimes softly, but surely, He speaks. I do not wish to miss a word.

Even as the day starts and stops and the night are the same, each moment is part of an hour. A moment is where I need to be sometimes. Life will unfurl like a banner. Then it will be folded and placed away. All things come and go and in a prayerful moment, I can see many things. I can talk to many other souls. God gives me all things and all ways to see these things. It is eternity in a moment as I commune with Him. There is no time – only my time with the Lord. He lays the universe before me in this time. My soul shall live everlasting in His covenant.

There is His glory in all things in this moment. God captures my time in small increments because He wants me to build my day step-by-step. As I walk these steps, His majesty unfolds. I am so pleased I did not tarry three days ahead, there is so much happening now. There is eternity in this moment and my soul shall live forever. Everlasting is His promise. O how I love Him.

…and the sun will come up and I see heaven and earth through the eyes of wonderment: Still a child, still a man. All at once I see life from innocence and weariness, but it is all good because I am in God’s promise. I slow down my life to this moment. I see His face and He is beautiful

This is life under God’s hand. He pours wisdom on we who ask. He stands ready to talk as we incline our ear. Yes we focus our entire moment on Him. He will respond because we are in a covenant.

In a moment enrapt in His presence, there is no time. No past and no future. Only an infinite universe open to explore. God takes our hand in that moment and shows us all creation. Treat each moment with Him with reverence.

We shall pray for many, pray for one.
For those we know and those we do not.
For dissipation of Wars that cause His children to run,
For the increase of Peace, an awesome process wrought.
We pray To feed the hungry near and away,
We emanate a hope upon the Son’s majestic ray.
With God, we lose ourselves in a moment now,
To see all heaven in reverent bow.
We can pray without limit for all,
In our timeless moment with the Lord,
to Whom we call.

I wake up and roll from bed. O how life can make me weary. O how the enemy makes me cautious! I am ready to evade his distracting noose. I see past all things ill for the things that are in God’s glory. It is a bright light and it is eternal. I encourage that all we think in one moment is heavenward or down. Do not choose down and please he who will deceive. We already so easily fall on that path in one waking time of discouragement. Onto your knees and incline your ear to God. He turns a moment of temporal distraction to an eternal view of beauty. We make a choice. We choose God.

Rick Stassi

October 17, 2012